Chess Pirate - Gabridoodle, 1-0
The excitement of making a run at the City of Salem cribbage championship proved too much for me. During a break in the cribbage action, the Pirate and I decided to do a game of chess. I played like a complete, thorough-going, short-school-bus-riding, wood-pushing cretin, blundering away piece after piece after piece. Fortunately, I was euthanized by a summons to the card table. While I can take pride in finishing 4th in the cribbage tournament, this chess game will be painful to type into the database.
31 March 2012
28 March 2012
27 Mar 2012: exhibition games at Jaho !
As the Chess Pirate herself said, Salem CHESS CLUB dominated the Salem Board Games meetup at Jaho last night, proving once again that no one messes with CHESS CLUB !
Game 1: Chess Pirate - Gabridoodle, 0-1
The Pirate was undoubtedly distracted by the "coffehouse" atmosphere at Jaho, a very different setting than the CHESS CLUB clubhouse. Just seven moves in, she blundered her queen away and the rest was just the Gabridoodle going through the motions in his methodical way. Quote of the game, from the Chess Pirate: "You are a bad man."
Game 2: Gabridoodle - Chess Puppet, 0-1
The Gabridoodle had his first encounter with the Chess Puppet and was taught a lesson. The game was a tense, slow-moving standoff until the Puppet achieved a sudden, artful checkmate. As the textbook says, the loser is the player who failed to see a threat.
Gabridoodle - Chess Puppet
Salem CHESS CLUB Jaho, Salem, MA, USA, 27.03.2012
1.e4 e6 2.Nf3 Bc5 3.d4 Bb6 4.Bd2 c6 5.Bc4 d5 6.Bd3 f6 7.exd5 Qxd5 8.O-O Bxd4 9.Nc3 Bxc3 10.Bxc3 Nd7 11.Re1 e5 12.Qe2 Ne7 13.Bb4 b5 14.Be4 Qc4 15.b3 Qxb4 16.Nd2 Qc5 17.Rac1 g6 18.Nb1 Bb7 19.Rcd1 Nd5 20.Qd2 Qd6 21.c4 bxc4 22.bxc4 f5 23.Bc2 Rf8 24.cxd5 cxd5 25.Nc3 d4 26.Nb5 Qc6 27.a4 Qxg2# 0-1
Game 1: Chess Pirate - Gabridoodle, 0-1
The Pirate was undoubtedly distracted by the "coffehouse" atmosphere at Jaho, a very different setting than the CHESS CLUB clubhouse. Just seven moves in, she blundered her queen away and the rest was just the Gabridoodle going through the motions in his methodical way. Quote of the game, from the Chess Pirate: "You are a bad man."
Game 2: Gabridoodle - Chess Puppet, 0-1
The Gabridoodle had his first encounter with the Chess Puppet and was taught a lesson. The game was a tense, slow-moving standoff until the Puppet achieved a sudden, artful checkmate. As the textbook says, the loser is the player who failed to see a threat.
Gabridoodle - Chess Puppet
Salem CHESS CLUB Jaho, Salem, MA, USA, 27.03.2012
1.e4 e6 2.Nf3 Bc5 3.d4 Bb6 4.Bd2 c6 5.Bc4 d5 6.Bd3 f6 7.exd5 Qxd5 8.O-O Bxd4 9.Nc3 Bxc3 10.Bxc3 Nd7 11.Re1 e5 12.Qe2 Ne7 13.Bb4 b5 14.Be4 Qc4 15.b3 Qxb4 16.Nd2 Qc5 17.Rac1 g6 18.Nb1 Bb7 19.Rcd1 Nd5 20.Qd2 Qd6 21.c4 bxc4 22.bxc4 f5 23.Bc2 Rf8 24.cxd5 cxd5 25.Nc3 d4 26.Nb5 Qc6 27.a4 Qxg2# 0-1
23 March 2012
23 Mar 2012: an illegal move !
Today's CHESS CLUB game appeared to be a near-miniature (25 moves) and a near-brilliancy. I withstood a typically crazed attack from the Chess Pirate, losing material but building a strong defensive position. After her force was spent on a pawn-snatching diversion, I went on the assault. Clearly rattled, the Pirate blundered away her queen and the end soon followed. But then, on later analysis it turned out that the Pirate made an illegal move ! She castled illegally (her king moved through check). Thus the game doesn't really count. Had it been a legal game, here's a computer recreation of what her king saw in its last moments:
16 March 2012
16 Mar 2012: a blunderful game
Gabridoodle - Chess Pirate, ½-½
This diamond-in-the-rough featured several amusing blunders, including the Chess Pirate playing with her food (or "prey," as she claims) 48 moves in. The Chess Pirate gave in to frustration and turned what should have been a won game for her into a draw. The end came after 73 moves, a new record for CHESS CLUB.
This diamond-in-the-rough featured several amusing blunders, including the Chess Pirate playing with her food (or "prey," as she claims) 48 moves in. The Chess Pirate gave in to frustration and turned what should have been a won game for her into a draw. The end came after 73 moves, a new record for CHESS CLUB.
09 March 2012
9 Mar 2012: in which I play like an idiot
Gabridoodle - Chess Pirate, 0-1
Clearly, something wasn't right with my brain chemistry. I was playing like an idiot, the most spectacular blunder being throwing away my queen. The Chess Pirate's win became inevitable at that point. Back to remedial training with Fritz...
Clearly, something wasn't right with my brain chemistry. I was playing like an idiot, the most spectacular blunder being throwing away my queen. The Chess Pirate's win became inevitable at that point. Back to remedial training with Fritz...
02 March 2012
2 Mar 2012: in which Gabridoodle ass isn't kicked
Chess Pirate - Gabridoodle, 0-1
The game began with the Chess Pirate boasting, "I'm gonna kick some friggin' Gabe ass !" She's definitely over her cold, because it took me fully 46 moves to checkmate her this time. The best part was my romp to victory with a pawn storm.
The game began with the Chess Pirate boasting, "I'm gonna kick some friggin' Gabe ass !" She's definitely over her cold, because it took me fully 46 moves to checkmate her this time. The best part was my romp to victory with a pawn storm.
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