11 May 2012

11 May 2012: Devastating losses for the Pirate

The Chess Pirate got to enjoy two weeks of possessing the Incumbent Champion's Medal but that came to an abrupt end today.  The first game was the most remarkable, featuring the most shocking conclusion yet seen at CHESS CLUB.

The Chess Visionary joined us while the first game was underway -- badly frightening the Chess Pirate.  The Visionary didn't play today, stating, "I like to watch."

Game 1: Chess Pirate - Gabridoodle, 0-1
Time control: Fischer; 5 minutes plus 30 seconds per move

This game was a near-miniature, only 23 moves.  The Chess Pirate's comment-of-the-game was, "Looks pretty fuckin' safe, actually."  The Gabridoodle was in a lot of trouble, especially after idiotically blundering away a queen.  But as usual, he responded to adversity with fancy footwork -- this is why we fight to the finish at CHESS CLUB !  The Pirate got greedy, grabbing a rook while missing a classic back-rank-mate threat.  And indeed the game came to a shocking, sudden conclusion with just that.

Game 2: Gabridoodle- Chess Pirate, 1-0
Time control: Fischer; 5 minutes plus 30 seconds per move

The shocking turn of events in the first game clearly rattled the Pirate.  15 moves in, she growled, "Toad !"  The Gabridoodle took command of this game, and, had the Pirate not resigned on move 56, he could have had three, count 'em, three queens !

How sweet it is !

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