While there was no official discussion of CLUB business, there was lamentation of the on-going recruiting difficulties, the Gabridoodle admitting, "We'll take just about anyone."
Game 1: Chess Pirate - Gabridoodle, ½-½
The Pirate's many slashing attacks led to fairly brisk simplification. Indeed, in less than 24 moves, it looked very much like a draw was brewing (see diagram). And indeed, that's what happened. The queenside pawn formation was blown to bits and the Gabridoodle was then unable to promote a pawn despite having a 3-to-2 advantage. The quote-of-the game came, as it so often does, from the Pirate: "I'm a girl with a big swinging Shiny."
Game 2: Gabridoodle - Chess Pirate, 0-1
Time control: 10 minutes each
Despite falling behind a horse, the Gabridoodle was at least making the Chess Pirate dance. As usual in a blitz game, however, the Pirate's impulsiveness was rewarded: the Gabridoodle lost on time.