28 December 2012

28 Dec 2012: cheese and crackers

Celebrating the conclusion of Salem CHESS CLUB's first year, the Chess Pirate, always the gracious hostess, served fancy cheeses, crackers, and Italian orangeade.  The Gabridoodle's malaria was much better though he wasn't 100% recovered: the main game was a draw and then the Pirate won the blitz game, successfully defending The Shiny for the first time in living memory.

While there was no official discussion of CLUB business, there was lamentation of the on-going recruiting difficulties, the Gabridoodle admitting, "We'll take just about anyone."

Game 1: Chess Pirate - Gabridoodle, ½-½

The Pirate's many slashing attacks led to fairly brisk simplification.  Indeed, in less than 24 moves, it looked very much like a draw was brewing (see diagram).  And indeed, that's what happened.  The queenside pawn formation was blown to bits and the Gabridoodle was then unable to promote a pawn despite having a 3-to-2 advantage.  The quote-of-the game came, as it so often does, from the Pirate: "I'm a girl with a big swinging Shiny."

Game 2: Gabridoodle - Chess Pirate, 0-1
Time control: 10 minutes each

Despite falling behind a horse, the Gabridoodle was at least making the Chess Pirate dance.  As usual in a blitz game, however, the Pirate's impulsiveness was rewarded: the Gabridoodle lost on time.

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