Before the action began on the board, CHESS CLUB went on a fun-filled field trip. First, in a bit of CLUB business, an attempt was made at recruiting new members; we'll, um, see how that goes. Next, we went to Marshall's, where the Chess Pirate purchased a remarkable piece of kitsch. The first sign the Gabridoodle had largely recovered from his malaria came at the Marshall's check-out. He managed to mortify the Pirate to the point that she blushed !
The next sign that the Gabridoodle's malaria is improved came in today's game which he won largely by demonstrating that Philidor was right when he said, "The pawn is the soul of chess."
Gabridoodle - Chess Pirate, 1-0
A surprise riposte or two by the Gabridoodle stopped the Pirate's initial slashing attacks dead in their tracks. Her game turned into a slow-motion train wreck as early as move 10, when the Gabridoodle robbed her of her castling privileges. At move 22 (see illustration), the Gabridoodle assembled a phalanx of 4 pawns, a veritable steamroller smack dab in the middle of the board. This positional advantage proved unstoppable and ten moves later, the Pirate's morale (and game) went into rapid collapse. By move 35, she was saying "That's why I'm sitting here, waiting for you to make a hideous blunder !" At move 40, after the Gabridoodle established a passed pawn protected by a rook, the Pirate started raving: "C'mon, a passed pawn is a crime against nature !" and then somewhat cryptically, "En passant ! En passant !" At move 42, it was all over, checkmate delivering The Shiny to the Gabridoodle.
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