15 February 2013

15 Feb 2013: "Horror show from the first moment"

A horror show for the Chess Pirate, anyway !

CHESS CLUB's afternoon began with a field trip !  The Gabridoodle was initially led to believe that this would involve a trip to the library but in a cruel change of plans -- perhaps she just wasn't willing to face Miss Susan -- the Pirate instead took him to a going-out-of-business sale at the Black Paw on Pickering Wharf.  The torment suffered amid all the steeply discounted candles, fairies, and other girly items evidently sent the Gabridoodle into a "put your anger into your work, my boy" frame of mind.  When they finally did return to CLUB headquarters, he ripped the Pirate and retained the Shiny.

Gabridoodle - Chess Pirate, 1-0

The horror show began with the Pirate's usual game of chase-the-Gabridoodle's-horse-all-around.  This was abruptly halted by the Gabridoodle on move 4 thanks to a surprise horse placement.  The Pirate gradually shed material over the course of the game, eventually falling behind by 2 pawns, 1 horse, 1 bishop, and 1 queen ... combined !  By move 19, the Gabridoodle was doing well enough to say, "It's like a garroting.  It just gets tighter and tighter."  Two moves later, his horse stepped aside, uncorking a devastating discovered check. This shortly cost the Pirate a bishop, to which she said, "This game is so very, very, very wrong in so many ways."  Not long after that, she flipped him the bird. On move 27, the next to last one, the Gabridoodle did give the Pirate a chance to make an en passant capture (she declined, as she always has).  It didn't matter at this point anyway, as the Gabridoodle's freshly unleashed bishop ended the game as shown in the diagram.  The Pirate's closing remark was, "Good game.  Shitty game, actually."

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