14 June 2013

14 Jun 2013: A long, tricky game

Thanks to a series of vacations, this was the first CHESS CLUB meeting in several weeks.  Perhaps inspired by the fine weather, the Pirate suggested that we find someplace where they have a giant outdoor chess set.  The Gabridoodle will look into this, though he isn't optimistic.  Even if we find one, there's no guarantee we won't be banned.

In official CLUB business, the Freshman (a member of the Pink Queen's entourage who took part in this year's jamboree) was appointed candidate member.

In non-CLUB business, the Gabridoodle was called on to assist the Pirate with various personal and professional administrative tasks.

Gabridoodle - Chess Pirate, 1-0

This game went on for more than the customary length of time.  Not only were the Pirate and Gabridoodle playing at a leisurely pace but the game took 63 moves.  That's not a CLUB record but it's not so far from one, either.

Sneaky bishops can be monsters !  Here, at move 8, the Pirate has just moved her g-pawn, not seeing that this would allow the Gabridoodle to grab her rook.  This he did to which the Pirate barked, "You piece of crap !"  However, she was subsequently able to trap the Gabridoodle's bishop, which he sent into desperado mode, remarking, "Well, if you want hideously doubled pawns."  The Gabridoodle loses a bit of material but with positional compensation.

Lots of action in the early going.  By move 14, the Pirate snared the Gabridoodle in a clever trap, forcing him to simultaneously lose castling rights and a rook.

...however, the Gabridoodle had a decent reply, attacking the Pirate's queen with a pawn, allowing him to snag her bishop.  Later, at move 25, the Pirate made a capture, exclaiming, "Check !  Oh wait, that's not a bishop." (it was a pawn)  The Gabridoodle replied, "Ya moron !"

Here we are at move 33.  The Gabridoodle is ahead a pawn and also has a very slight positional advantage. At this point, the Pirate went to her computer, logged on to a well-known social network, and poasted that she was trouncing the Gabridoodle.

By move 46, the Gabridoodle had finally forced the exchange of queens, though not before the Pirate mounted a scary kingside attack with her queen. A race to promote has begun, the Gabridoodle having advanced a pawn to h5.  He won the race...

...and subsequently the game (as usual, the Pirate was a sport and played on in the hope that the Gabridoodle would make a hideous blunder).

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