20 October 2013

20 Oct 2013: a sub-miniature !

While an on-line game with la Marmotte des Echecs can take months, the Pink Queen provides much faster action.  This game at Chess.com took only two days and it took the Gabridoodle only 13 moves to snare the Pink Queen in a brutal MATING NET.

Gabridoodle - Pink Queen, 1-0

1.e4 Nc6 2.Nf3 a6 3.a3 b5 4.Nc3 h5 5.Be2 e5 6.O-O Qf6 7.Nd5 Qd6 8.d3 f6 9.Nh4 g5 10.Nf5 Qc5 11.Nxc7+ Kf7 12.Bxh5+ Rxh5 13.Qxh5# 1-0

Here we are at move 7.  The Pink Queen has just brought her queen out early and will pay the price ! The Gabridoodle moves his horse to a nice, centrally-located OUTPOST and chases the impetuous queen away.

Move 9: the real mischief begins.  They say "a knight on the rim is grim," but h4 is just a stepping stone to f5...

...and indeed it's 10. Nf5 after the Pink Queen's pawn move forces him to do what he was going to do anyway.  The Gabridoodle is aiming to drive the black queen away, allowing his other horse to capture the pawn on c7, FORKING the king and rook.

Move 11 goes according to plan.

In response, the Pink Queen moves her king to f7.  Another thing they say is, "If you see a good move, look for a better one."  With this in mind, the Gabridoodle changes his plan.  Rather than snaffle up the a8 rook, which would have been good, he delivers check with the bishop.  Thanks to those pesky horses, the Pink Queen's only legal move is to capture the bishop with her rook.  The noose has just gotten a lot tighter.

And with 13. Qg5#, it's all over.

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