21 October 2014

A dodgy fianchetto at South Station

After spending several months curled up in a fetal position, the Gabridoodle returned to South Station to do battle with grandmaster Larry Christiansen.

Game 1: Christiansen, Larry - Gabridoodle, 1-0

Of the three games he played at this simultaneous exhibition, the first was the Gabridoodle's best effort.  In the early going, the Gabridoodle announced, "Whenever I fianchetto, it ends in disaster.  But I'll do it anyway."  Christiansen -- who has been a grandmaster since 1977 -- replied, "Already looking dodgy."  However, the grandmaster did have to pause to think longer than usual a couple of times during the course of the game.

Here, at move 10, the Gabridoodle managed to deal with a mortal threat.  Interrupting whatever his plan had been, he snaffled up the e5 pawn with his horse, simultaneously defending the super-vulnerable f7 square.  To do otherwise would have led to instamate on the next move.  Christiansen proffered the possibly back-handed compliment, "Good move."

Nothing spectacular ensued, but by move 24, Christiansen suddenly had everything in place.  The Gabridoodle engaged in shameless pawn snatching with his bishop but there was really no way he was going to stop what was coming.

Game 2: Christiansen, Larry - Gabridoodle, 1-0

The second game was very brief.  Here, the grandmaster taunts the Gabridoodle, "giving" him his rook !

Game 3: Christiansen, Larry - Gabridoodle, 1-0

Move 6 and already serious trouble is brewing for the Gabridoodle.  One little pawn push creates a world of hurt.

There's really no way for the Gabridoodle to avoid swapping a bishop for a pawn.  Christiansen's Qe2+ starts it off.  When the dust settles, the queens are off the board and so is the Gabridoodle's bishop.  There's also an annoying pawn at e7, a potentially fatal bone in the Gabridoodle's throat.

Incredibly, the Gabridoodle eventually managed to castle !  Things are a bit ragged for him on the kingside, however.

By move 24, the grandmaster had a pretty solid attack underway.  Having a lame excuse for leaving the venue, the Gabridoodle resigned at this point.  However, he did manage some CHESS CLUB swagger, informing Christiansen, "Luckily for you, I have a bus to catch !"

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