14 January 2014

In which the Gabridoodle is beaten like a rented mule (by a grandmaster)

One Tuesday per month, in cooperation with the Boylston Chess Club, chess grandmaster Larry Christiansen gives a simultaneous exhibition at Boston's inimitable South Station. The Gabridoodle dropped in for a couple of games, with very much the expected result. It was largely an exercise in avoiding traps set by the grandmaster -- not all of them could be avoided.

Christiansen - Gabridoodle, 1-0

To no one's surprise, Christiansen won the first game fairly quickly with the old and very deadly pawn-at-f6 supported checkmate.

Christiansen - Gabridoodle, 1-0

The second game went better for the Gabridoodle, or at least less badly.  The grandmaster generally instamoved but the Gabridoodle at least made him pause for a few seconds several times.  In the end, though the grandmaster of course won without too much trouble.