28 March 2017

Donkey chess, or a funny mate at South Station

As always, we thank Grandmaster Larry Christiansen, the Boylston Chess Club, and their other partners for hosting the monthly simulaneous exhibition at South Station.  Today's event was a make-up for the not-quite-a-blizzard blizzard earlier in the month.

In pre-game chitchat, the GM recommended the Old West history book A Tenderfoot in Tombstone, which, he noted, includes an account of a donkey being cut in half by a lightning strike !  In one game, the Gabridoodle said, "Lightning... Donkey" when capturing the GM's horse, prompting a grandmasterly chuckle.

Game 2 featured a funny checkmate, shown it its full glory below, with Christiansen's move indicated by the red arrows and the Gabridoodle's by the green.